Hide URL for phishing

Phishing : Hide URL [Tutorial]

"How to hide a url | Chnage URL |

Mask url" .While sending mail, 

you have to include in mail, the link to

your phisher page. So, instead of sending mail with actual url which

can create a sense of doubt in victim's mind, we can hide the url. Dot.tk

is an online service which enables you to

hide/mask the url.

So, whenever victim checks out this link, he will find the link suspicious.

This can be detrimental for our hack. So, the best way is to make this

link less suspicious i.e. to hide/mask the url.

1. So, go to http://www.dot.tk/en/index.html?lang=en to hide a url.

2. Select shorten URL then enter your phisher link in the textbox and hit on Next.

3. Enter the link you want to rename your phisher link to dot.tk domain name.

4. Now, you can send this masked phisher link to your victim.

The victim will now find our phisher link less suspicious as we

have hidden the actual phisher link using .tk domain.

So friends, I hope you are now able to hide a url using this url

masker service.If you have any problem in this tutorial just comment here.

Happy Phishing.. 

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