BetaBot Buildr working

BetaBot Buildr + Panel

Coded in C++, Beta Bot offers a diverse and innovative list of features, for a very affordable price. We work closely with our customer base to ensure sought after features are frequently
discussed and added in future updates, as well as ensure that bugs are identified and squashed in a timely fashion. All features in Beta Bot are frequently checked and updated to ensure
they are both efficient, and fully working. That being said, we have made sure to keep the bot as small as possible and free of dead weight. Currently Beta Bot weighs in at less than 150kb.
Due to reports of lack of crypter support, we have made various changes to the bot that will dramatically increase crypter compatibility. We believe any working crypter should be compatible now.
We have also revisited the panel slightly, providing you with more data at your fingertips, some very nice looking additions, and even an built in AV Checker using the Scan4You API.


BetaBot Buildr + Panel

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